As above so below, As with in so without, As the body so the soul.
The core of all...
It started as a body-scan meditation where I was looking to hold space for people to find deep rest and awareness of their bodies. Then, while I was teaching at a retreat in Mexico, something happened. I was guiding my students through each body part all while absorbing the surroundings of the beach, palm trees, birds and the wind. We were able to dive in deeply and it was a magical experience for all of us. Unique and personal experiences were unraveled.
Back in New York, I was looking for a way to bring back that sense of nature. That’s when the idea of using high quality recordings of nature and a crystal singing bowl came to be a big part of what I now call: Sound & Body. Which combines both sound bath and the body scan meditation.
Keeping awareness while receiving these sounds throughout the different layers of the body. Skin, fascia, bones, organs, breath, blood all the way to the cells. We will use visualization to access that intrinsic connection to our bodies. A magical combination.
For some, this work could result in an amazing deep relaxation, even a rejuvenated nap. No judgement!. For others, a deeper connection to their bodies, a truly awakening experience.
Take it as an opportunity to enter your inner body, your microcosm. After all, we are interconnected with the earth, with the cosmos, with each other.
“And all that is mine
All that is within me
And it is all I”