Movement and attune retreats
Pilates and movement:
Both in a group or private setting. I like to engage people into their fullest potential. I’ll observe objectively as possible using my knowledge and intuition to create informed assessments. Looking for what the body needs and which exercises are best to bring the body back into balance within it self and its nature. The potential of your body resides on your awareness. Listen to the details.
Private sessions in Williamsburg and Flatiron.
In- Home sessions also available.
ATTUNE: a guided body scan Experience +sounds of Nature
This 1.5 hour workshop encourages you to explore your body through prop-based release work to create space, release muscular tension and inspire a deeper anatomical understanding. I will be guiding you through a body visualization to complement and deepen the work . Soothing sounds of nature and a crystal bowl healing sound bath we will tap into the interconnection.
Created to reconnect, to create a sense of perception, wholeness and connection to our true body nature.
Monthly class series at https:
coming up! Colombian amazon Winter february13-18 2025
Is really mindfulness meeting nature ,Is not a retreat to get miles in for exercise. It is a retreat to see with new eyes.
A guided body-scan meditation+Sounds of Nature.
get in touch